English language arts

CVC resource pack- games, worksheets etc- Letters and Sounds, phonics, spelling
A great pack with lots of files for literacy for you to print off and use
This pack would be great to use with the Letters and Sounds phonics scheme or with other phonics schemes to use in your teaching and for the children to use independently and in groups.
Included in the pack are:
Flash cards in colour and black and white with the picture and word and just with words or just pictures,
Flash cards with space to write the word underneath (when laminated these can be used with dry-wipe pens),
Flash cards with the letters than can be hidden so children can say what the initial, medial or end sound is,
Bingo games with the different medial sounds and a mixture of medial sounds,
Large vowel and alphabet cards for the children to hold to make CVC words,
Loop game card sets,
Word wheels,
Matching pairs game,
Board games to make and play,
Spelling worksheets,
Reading worksheets
Plus lots more!

The Three Little Pigs story pack- traditional tales
The pack includes:
Story Powerpoint- A colourful Powerpoint of the story of The Three Little Pigs
Pigs Powerpoint- A Powerpoint about real pigs with sound
Display banner- Two different banners for displays
Character cards- Colour pictures of the Three Little Pigs, Mother Pig and the Wolf- great for retelling the story and for displays
Black and white characters- Great to use for art and crafts
Story props- Large coloured pictures of the houses and the cooking pot- these are also provided in black and white
Face masks- Face masks of the Three Little Pigs, Mother Pig and the Wolf- great to use when retelling the story or for creating new stories- these are provided in colour and black and white
Finger puppets- Puppets to make of the characters from the story
Story words- Decorated word cards with words relating to the story- a great addition to your display or in your writing area
A4 word card- A colourful word and picture card to use when writing about the story
Colouring book- A 24 page colouring book to create using the pictures which are also used in the story Powerpoint
Sequencing pictures- Coloured pictures of the story to sequence and write about
Time game- Collect the clock and matching time card in this o'clock matching pairs game
Build a house game- Roll a die and collect the parts of your house first
House labelling- A worksheet to label the different parts of a house
Photos- Colour photos of pigs and wolves
House photos- Photos of different houses and the different parts of a house
Pig model- Create a 2D moving pig model using split pins
Dominoes- Picture dominoes with pictures of the characters and props in the story
Rhyme game- Collect the correct pictures to rhyme with the ones on your board
Ordinal Pigs- An ordinal number line to 10 with the numbers on pigs
Number line- A number line to 20 with numbers on the different houses in the story
Rhyming pairs- A colourful rhyming pairs game
Display border- Print this as many times as you need for a display border of any size
Pig dice game- Roll a die and collect the parts to make your pig first
Literacy worksheets- Various worksheets such as writing about the story, speech bubbles, matching words to pictures, choosing correct words for the sentences etc
Writing pages- Coloured and black and white A4 pages with decorative borders
Story sack label- A coloured label to add to your story sack
Pigs facts- Fact cards with pictures and facts about real pigs
Tracing sheets- Pictures to trace of the pigs and the wolf and scenes from the story
Wanted poster- Create a WANTED poster for the wolf
Wordsearch- Two different wordsearches decorated with pictures from the story
HFW bricks- The 300 High Frequency words from 'Letters and Sounds' on colourful bricks
Bingo game

Jack and the Beanstalk story sack resources
The pack includes:
A large display banner
A smaller display title decorated with pictures from the story of Jack and the Beanstalk
Large characters and story props in colour
Large characters and black and white- great for creating displays or also great to laminate, add velcro to the back and the children to use to retell the story on a flannel board
48 story word cards on beans
A beanstalk board game in colour - 3x A4 sized with 'Jack' playing pieces
A moving Giant model to make using split pins
Black and white face masks for the children to decorate and make
Colour face masks- a great addition to your story sack for retelling the story and to make up your own stories
Finger puppets to colour and make
A number beanstalk with a number on each of the leaves
A speech bubble worksheet
Speech bubbles to add to your displays
All of the phonemes from the Letters and Sounds scheme on beanstalks- these would look great laminated and used in the outdoor area
Black and white bean growing posters
Colour bean growing posters
Photographs of beans, bean plants and bean pods
Leaf and stalk templates to make your own beanstalk in your classroom
A 'collect a beanstalk' game- roll the die and pick a card to see how many beanstalk leaves you have
Counting cards- count the number of magic beans

Oliver's Vegetables story sack resources
The pack includes:
Display resources
Display border
Characters- large coloured pictures of the characters in the story ‘Oliver's Vegetables’ to add to your display
Story words
Story questions
Days of the week cards- a set of cards with the days of the week and the corresponding vegetable eaten that day and also a set of cards with just the day of the week
Posters- a set of seven posters showing the day, vegetable name and picture
Oliver’s Vegetables photos
Other vegetables photos- a set of 18 photo posters showing other vegetables not included in the story
Title poster
Role play/ story props
Face masks
Sequencing pictures- pictures to sequence when retelling the story
Story props
A4 word card- an A4 sized card with words and pictures about the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’- great to use when writing
Vegetable alphabet line- an alphabet line on different vegetables from the story to print out and display
Worksheets- various worksheets including speech bubbles, drawing the vegetables eaten each day, match the day to the correct vegetable, write the vegetable names under the correct pictures, match the vegetables to the descriptions, describe the vegetables etc
Writing pages- four photocopiable sheets with borders for the children to write about the story or to include in your writing area
Design a book cover- design your own cover for the book
Our food diary- create a food diary for a week to show what Oliver ate each day and what you ate
Word searches- two word searches with words and pictures from the story
Slug and snail number line- create a long number line for your classroom
Worksheets- add the numbers on the vegetables, subtraction worksheets, counting worksheet
Blank worksheets- two worksheets for you to write your own sums for the children allowing you to differentiate
Power points
Story questions- answer the questions about the story and click on the correct answer
Guess the vegetables
Counting Power point
Art and craft
Face masks
Colouring pictures
Colouring posters
Cut and stick worksheet- cut out the days of the week and order and then add the vegetables to each day
My favourite meal- draw your favourite meal and vegetables
Make a seed packet
Games to make and play
Matching pairs
Picture bingo
Vegetable garden game- collect the vegetables to grow in your garden
Jigsaw game- throw a die and collect the numbered part of your vegetable
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Punctuation Posters- SPaG
Punctuation Posters
A great set of punctuation posters for you to print out and use again and again.
Now also includes extra posters to fit in with the updated curriculum 2014.
A bright and colourful set of 6 puncuation posters- contains posters for:
full stop
exclamation mark
question mark
speech marks
The new posters are an alternative to the speech mark poster 'inverted commas' and also an apostrophe poster.
Creates a great display for your classroom or educational setting.
Each poster is A4 size.

Phonics Phase 3- Letters and Sounds
The resource pack contains loads of resources to teach and play the games in the Letters and Sounds document at phase 3 including:
buried treasure game
full circle word cards
letter fans
phoneme cards
picture and caption cards
picture and word cards
Plus loads more
This pack also contains extras to help you reinforce the teaching and for independent activities including:
picture cards to write the word
tricky word bingo (2 games to cover the 16 tricky words covered in this phase)
All the resources are saved in PDF format and the font used throughout is Sassoon Primary which is widely used in schools (you do not need to have this font on your computer to view these files)
This will save you hours and hours of time!

Picture alphabet line posters
A colourful picture alphabet line for you to print out and use in your educational setting.
Included is a colour alphabet and also a black and white alphabet which you can colour in yourselves or allow the children to colour to create their own alphabet.
Each letter has a selection of pictures with that initial sound. These cards could be used in your writing area, used to create a colourful display, used as flash cards, for games etc.
The letter cards are approximately A5 size however by altering printer settings you will be able to print them out in whatever size you would like.

Hansel and Gretel story resource pack- story sack, fairy tales
Hansel and Gretel
The pack includes:
Large characters and story prop pictures from the story of Hansel and Gretel- these would be great on a display or are good when laminated and velcro added to the back for the children to use on a flannel board
Small characters and story prop pictures- these are great for table top play and also great when laminated and stored with the story book or included in a story sack
Story word cards- these are great to add to a display about Hansel and Gretel or to include in a writing area
A coloured A4 story word card- very useful for the children to use when writing about the story
Black and white pictures of the characters and story props from Hansel and Gretel for the children to colour or collage
Black and white face masks of the characters in the Hansel and Gretel story
A board game based on the story of Hansel and Gretel
Finger puppets to colour and make- great for retelling the story and including in your story sack
Various worksheets about the story of Hansel and Gretel
Question cards to encourage the children to think about the story and what happened in the Hansel and Gretel story
A number line to 50 on biscuit pictures
A matching pairs game to match the biscuit pictures

LUCY AND TOM AT THE SEASIDE story resource pack- Holidays, Summer
Lucy and Tom at the Seaside
A great resource pack for the story ‘Lucy and Tom at the Seaside’
The pack includes:
A long colourful display banner
A display border with colourful buckets and spades
Speech bubble worksheets
Word and picture cards for display or word walls
Words relating to the story on sandcastles
Drawing activity worksheets to accompany the story
An alphabet line on donkeys
A number line to 30 on seagulls
A ‘seaside’ acrostic poem worksheet
Stick puppets to make of Lucy and Tom- coloured version and black and white versions included
Sequence worksheets
Story telling props
A postcard worksheet
An odd and even number line on shells
Number jigsaws to cut and make
Rockpool worksheets
A picnic worksheet
Decorate a sandcastle
Match the ice creams with different quantities of sprinkles to the correctly numbered cone
Missing number worksheets to fill in the numbers on the sandcastles plus blank versions for you to add your own numbers
Writing sheets with different borders in colour and black and white
Writing activity worksheets to accompany the story
Photos of beaches and beach activities- great for discussion and displays
A colourful bingo game to accompany the story
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Back to school writing pack- first week of term KS1/ EYFS
A fun set of sheets for use after the summer holidays and for the first week of the autumn term.
Summer holiday memories
Thoughts and plans for the new school year
My new class
Classroom rules
Be a friend, not a bully plus more...
Contains 22 different sheets which could be used individually or made into a workbook or even used to make quick and easy displays!

Summer writing activity pack- KS1 /EYFS
A fun pack of writing sheets for the summer term or any summery day!
Making a list of food and drink for a picnic
My day at the beach
Writing instructions for building a sandcastle
Staying safe in the sun
Cooling down in the heat
Writing sentences plus more...
Could be made into a workbook or the sheets could be used individually- great for end of term assessment!

Rosie's Walk - Book activities, story telling, Prepositions
The story ‘Rosie’s Walk’ is a lovely story that follows the hen, Rosie on her walk around the farmyard followed by the fox!
This book companion pack has activities for extending the book for your students and also preposition activities which are great for speech and language activities.
The pack includes:
A graphic organiser to write or draw the beginning, middle and end of the story
An emergent reader book- Where is Rosie?
Preposition task cards and props- read the card and place Rosie, the hen, or the fox, in the correct position
Story map worksheets- draw the different things that Rosie sees on her walk or cut and stick the things she sees in the correct order
Sequencing pictures- 14 color pictures for retelling the story
Sorting worksheet- sort the different statements about foxes and hens to learn more about the animals
Stick puppets- make your own stick puppets of a hen and fox and use to retell the story- these can be used with the picture props in the preposition task card activity
Story map- move the fox and hen around the story board to retell the story or make up your own stories
Where is Rosie- an activity for speaking and listening- includes ten picture cards for the kids to describe where Rosie is in each one
I hope you and your children enjoy using these activities to support the story ‘Rosie’s Walk’.

Seaside bumper pack- role play, story resources and topic pack
This bundle contains the bumper seaside topic pack, two seaside themed story packs and a fun role play pack for creating a seaside role play area.

Creepy Carrots book activity pack
Creepy Carrots is one of my favourite read-aloud books to use with my class.
The pack includes:
A craftivity to create your own unique Creepy carrot
A literacy center with CVC carrots to make
Cause and effect worksheets- three versions
Beginning, middle and end of story worksheet
Jasper’s character traits
Comprehension worksheets- two versions
My favourite part of the story- draw and write worksheet
Graphic organizers- three versions
Instructional writing- Jasper’s plan- worksheets for drawing and writing
Cut and paste sentence making activity
Writing activity- My plan to stop the creepy carrots
Retell the story writing worksheet
Drawing activity- what does Jasper think he sees and what does he really see?
What happens next- three worksheets to draw and write
Writing activity- What will the carrots do next?
Write and draw about Jasper
Writing activity- If Creepy carrots were following me, i would…

Alphabet crayons display
A bright and colourful set of alphabet crayons-great for displays, flashcards, games etc
This is a CD with three great alphabet crayons sets. One has the lower and upper case alphabet, a second has just the lower case letters and a third has just upper case alphabet.
These would make a great display for your classroom. Alternatively they could be used as flashcards when teaching the sounds. The lower case and upper case crayons could also be used to play matching pairs or used to make a display for the children to match the lower case letter to the upper case letter.
The crayons are in files with three crayons on each A4 page. However you could change your printer settings to print the crayons larger or smaller.
The font used on the crayons is Sassoon Primary Infant which is widely used in Primary schools.
The crayons are saved as PDF files and can be opened using Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available for free from their website or is probably already on your computer.

The Bad Tempered Ladybird story sack resources
The pack includes:
A display banner with the title of the story on and pictures from the story
Large coloured pictures of the animals in the story- these have been hand drawn and watercoloured by myself
Large black and white pictures of the animals in the story- these are great for colouring and art activities
Smaller colour and black and white pictures of the animals in the story- these can be made into games, displays etc
A ladybird number line up to 30
Colour face masks of all the animals in the story
Black and white face masks of the animals
Story word cards decorated with ladybirds- these are great for adding to a display, discussions, adding to a writing area etc
Cards showing a clock face and an animal for the children to draw the hands on the clock to show the time
Cards showing the time and the animal the Bad Tempered Ladybird met at that time
Various worksheets- Maths, counting and telling the time worksheets and Literacy worksheets
Different clocks to cut out and make- there is a plain clock, a clock to add the numbers to, a colour clock showing the animals the Bad Tempered Ladybird met at different hours and also a black and white version of this clock for the children to colour and make
A ladybird themed game
Fact cards with pictures and some facts about each of the animals in the story
Rhyme cards with some rhymes about ladybirds
A colourful animal bingo game to make and play
An animal picture domino game to make and play

Growing beanstalk story resources - Jack and the Beanstalk, Jasper's Beanstalk, Jim and the Beanstalk
Three great story resource packs packed full with display materials, games, worksheets plus lots more

Sweet shop role play
Sweet shop role play
This pack can be used to set up an exciting Sweet shop role play area -also a great idea for Maths work and counting!
Large (A4 sized) coloured pictures of different sweets-great for a background display
A5 sized pictures of the different sweets
A5 sized cards showing the different sweets and space to add a price label to use in your shop-the price labels are from 1p to 50p allowing you to make your own prices for the items and to alter them according to the ability of your children
4 different Sweet shop seller hats to make to use in the role play area
A large title ‘Sweet Shop’ sign with small pictures of sweets around it
Sweets in different colours with the colour name on them- great for your sweet shop or art area!
Chocolate bar wrappers to colour in and wrap around pieces of card to make your own pretend bars of chocolate for the shop
A number line up to 50 with each number on a different sweet- makes a lovely colourful number line for anywhere in the classroom
Special offer posters
Labels to colour and stick onto sweet jars
Order forms
Note paper and telephone message paper decorated with small pictures of sweets
Large black and white pictures of lots of different sweets for the children to colour and decorate in whatever way to decorate your sweet shop

Ice cream shop role play pack- Summer, seaside, ice cream parlour
Ice cream shop role play pack
Great for ourdoor or indoor play in the Early years and also for KS1 and KS2
The pack includes:
Large (A4 sized) coloured pictures of different ice creams and lollies -great for a background display
A5 sized labels of the different things in the shop eg cones, chocolate sprinkles, strawberry sauce, dishes etc
A5 sized cards showing the different ice creams and lollies and space to add a price label to use in your shop-the price labels are from 1p to 50p allowing you to make your own prices for the items and to alter them according to the ability of your children
Double sided cones and lollies to make, with different flavours and sizes of ice cream to put in them
4 different ice cream seller hats to make to use in the role play
A large title ‘Ice cream shop’
Order forms
Note paper and telephone message paper
Ice cream themed bunting to cut out and decorate the shop -this can be made as long as you wish by printing out more times
An ice cream number line up to 30

Spookley the Square Pumpkin activity pack
This book companion accompanies the lovely story of ‘The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin’ by Joe Troiano.
The activities include:
A craftivity to make your own Spookley
Colored Sequencing cards to retell the story
Character traits of Spookley writing sheet
My favorite part of the story drawing and writing
Graphic organisers
All about Spookley worksheet
Beginning, middle and end drawing or writing sheet
Cause and effect worksheet plus a blank worksheet for the teacher to part fill or for more able children to fully complete by themselves
Feelings worksheets
I am special worksheet - compare how Spookley was special to how they are special
If I were a pumpkin drawing and writing sheet
Make the sentences cut and paste
Making comparisons- a venn diagram to compare Spokley to the other pumpkins
Retell the story writing worksheet
Retell the story cut and paste picture worksheet
Text-to-self connections - How Spookley helped and how they have helped someone
Write three sentences about Spookley worksheet
PLUS a bonus matching pairs game!